Jan 24, 2009

Family Time!

Since Garret had surgery things have definitely changed with him.  We had been struggling with getting him potty trained during he night.  The day after surgery he said no more pull ups, and now he is good to go all night.  He has also begun to eat a little better.  It's small stuff but I am grateful.  Little Gracie is just as crazy as ever.  She is a complete ham and is a joy to watch.

The first sledding adventure of the year and the scariest moment I can ever remember!  A few weeks ago we were driving around in the car when I noticed that Gracie was chewing on something.  Knowing no-one ever gave her anything to eat I told her to "spit it out."  Well, she spit out a penny.  I did not like it one bit and was a little concerned when she kept pointing into her mouth saying "money money."  Bekah said we didn't need to worry since she was talking and breathing ok yet she kept saying "money, money" and pointing into her mouth.  It was snowing that day so wed decided to go sledding.  Bekah, Dave, Cor, Nana and Papa all met us so we could sled.  Gracie had fun but wasn't herself, she was a little more fussy that we expected.  When we got home Gracie wouldn't eat and wanted to go to sleep.  I took her to bed and she fell asleep quickly and stayed asleep for a long time.  When she woke up she was hungry.  I got her a snack and some milk.  Every time she took a bite or took a drink she got fussy, pointed to her mouth and said "money, money."  The only thing I could think was that she had cut her mouth somewhere with the penny so I asked Annie to get me a flashlight.  When I opened her mouth and looked inside I found a penny stuck in the pallet of her mouth.  I do mean stuck and I couldn't get it out.  The penny was removed by Annie by prying it out with a fingernail.  I promise you that this daddy had never felt more scared.  Yes, Gracie has a penny stuck in her mouth in this picture!!!!!!!!

Jan 16, 2009

Finally, a new update!!!!

Vaughn came to Colorado to go fly fishing in the middle of January, and he is smiling about it!  I do believe this may be the only picture I have ever seen where he has a natural smile.  It was good to see him, too bad he isn't staying longer because it would be good to catch up.  Maybe it is just me, but Vaughn is beginning to look more and more like a Yeti.  Look at the hair!

Garret has finally had his surgery!  It is amazing how stressed I was over his surgery even though I have been through numerous myself.  Anyway, he is doing very well and there seems to be no issues from surgery.  He was a trooper at the hospital and has been great at home.  We are hopeful that Garret can now breathe at night! 

    Garret watching Cars on the computer at the hospital!

Momma and Garret right before surgery.

Daddy giving horsey rides!

Jan 3, 2009

Good start for the year!

Gracie and her princess tent!  I think she already has the attitude!

Garret, his new boots and his new bike!  The reason he is dragging the bike is because he fell, twice, and wanted to bring it back into the garage.

So we have taken two hikes since the first of the year.  Surprisingly both Garret and Grace did very well with no complaining.  Garret ran around on the first day way ahead of everyone else.  Although I had Gracie's back pack with us, she wanted to walk.  She did great!  This picture of Garret is from the second trip when it was only he and I.  It got cold quickly so we didn't stay out very long.  He loves to hike and this summer should be a lot of fun!

So how can you not take a picture while hiking in "Lazy Land."  

Jan 1, 2009

Favorite Holiday Moment

My favorite moment for this Holiday season had to be listening to Garret pray at dinners.  He is truly growing into a little man and he is learning a lot both at Church and his pre school.  Twice during dinner time prayers he prayed aloud all by himself.  They were heart filled prayers and he obviously was putting real thought behind what he was saying.  He is learning what prayer means and how to pray!  It made me feel pride for what kind of kid he is growing into.

Holiday fun and games.....

Wow!  Another Holiday season is over and today begins 2009.  This Christmas will forever be remembered for several reasons.  Both Garret and Grace had a great Christmas and they are both of age to have a lot of fun.  I got sick on Christmas and spent the day after Christmas in misery.  Annie had a blast this year as her cousin Chris and his son Shawn were in town.

Speaking of Chris, the magazine cover below was done by him as a Christmas present to me.  Yes it is funny, yes people laugh and so do I.  Every time I see this picture I laugh and am thankful that he didn't make the shorts any shorter!  It was great having Chris and Shawn here in Colorado.  They are missed already!  There is a good story behind the picture but I'm not gonna share it on the web!

So Gracie loves Christmas!  She had so much fun playing with toys and playing with people!  She is a little charmer!  She is growing way to fast for her daddy, but both mommy and I love this stage as she is developing her own distinct personality.  

Gretchen was also in town for Christmas this year and it is always good to have her around.  One of the Christmas traditions that Gretchen and my mom have is the wearing of red night gowns on Christmas morning.  EVERYONE has to wear the night gowns, not even dad and Dave are safe.  This year since I was sick I got out of it, however, I am sure that next year i'll be back in one.

Bekah, Cor, Garret and Gracie!  Family is what Christmas is about and I was thankful I could spend time with everyone!