Jul 26, 2008

Patience, love and laughter!

So things in Colorado are good.  Gracie is doing well!  She had a haircut today and in this picture she was telling daddy that she was mad and wanted to be held.  Running around with Garret and Cor she is learning how to jump, climb, fall and how to protect herself.  She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger and I don't see that changing any time soon.  It's good that her mommy is able to say no to her!

It was 81 degrees in the house when I took this picture of mom.  She was sitting in the house shivering and "whining" about being cold.  I brought her a sweat shirt, a blanket and even a Nemo hat yet she was still cold.  I have another picture of her that is similar but with out her mouth wide open.  Dad, Dave, Anne and I all looked at the two pictures and thought this one was the best.  SORRY MOM!
Garret is a funny little guy!  He is wearing my bullet proof tac. vest in this picture that weighs as much as he does.  Not that I enjoy seeing my son fall but right after I took this picture I asked him to pick up a magazine from the floor knowing what would happen.  He bent over and promptly tumbled right over.  We both laughed and I had to take the vest off so he could stand and walk.

Annie is still in a tremendous amount of pain.  The surgery she had didn't do the trick and now we are worried.  Monday she goes in for a procedure to see if there is disease or other problems in her urinary tract.  If nothing is found then we will have to go see another Dr. and hopefully he / she will be able to figure things out.   Please send your prayers and thoughts to Annie to help her get through this!!!!!!!

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