December third 2004 was the most single influential day of my life! It was the day I became a father, the day I held an infant in my hands knowing that he was a gift to Annie and I and we were responsible for him. My life is more full because of my children and I love them both dearly. Garret turned 4 this past week and it was a struggle for me. I stayed home with the kids for three days while Annie worked. MAY GOD BLESS ALL STAY AT HOME PARENTS AND THOSE WHO WATCH CHILDREN DAILY. My lovely children drove me up a wall, especially Garret.
So bright and early on Garret's birthday he woke up and wanted to open his gifts. Prior to his birthday Garret said, "Daddy, I don't want any underwear for my birthday." So you can imagine what I bought him, and I made him open up the underwear first! Then I made him pose for this picture before he could open toy's! Maybe I was asking for trouble after doing this to him, but I laughed!

It has been said that you can see the soul of a person through their eyes. In this picture of Garret's eye I see the soul of a kid full of life and love. I am proud of my son and the type of person he is growing up to be. Love ya Garret!

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